Georgia Pediatric Program

What is GAPP?
The Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP) is a state program administered through the Department of Community Health (DCH). This program offers assistance towards the daily care needs of children and young adults with medically necessary disabilities under the age of 21 years old. GAPP approved services are available to those individuals currently receiving Medicaid or who have a pending Medicaid case.
Does PCA Elite Inc only serve GAPP recipients?
Absolutely Not. We are a full-service in-home care agency serving primarily 0 to 21 years, considered medically fragile and require medical services to thrive. However, our growing network of Professional Care Associates allows us the opportunity to assist anyone in need of in-home care with the best possible care available in the metro Atlanta area and surrounding counties. We will assist and network with your private insurance provider or offer a private pay option when necessary.

What are the benefits of GAPP?
The Georgia Pediatric Programs offers its recipients access to in-home care necessary for the child or young adult to thrive medically as well as support and maintain essential daily care needs.
Quality skilled healthcare, nursing services and community resources are also benefits more easily accessible directly or indirectly as a result of participation.
Access to in-home care fosters an alternative to full-time care in a facility, institution or hospital which would remove the child away from the comforts of family and home.
What care and services will GAPP provide?
The Georgia Pediatric Program provides services for both personal care and skilled nursing determined necessary by physician’s orders. These services and care requirements may include but are not limited to assistance with:
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Eating
- Toileting
- Transferring
- Functional Mobility
Skilled nursing services such as:
- Trach Care
- G-Tube feeding/ Care
- Respiratory treatment
- Suctioning
- Catheter Care
- Ventilator Care

What are the eligibility requirements for GAPP?
The GAPP program is available to children and young adults with special needs requiring medical and/or personal support services to thrive. To be eligible, the recipient must:
- be younger than the age of 20 years and 11 months
- be diagnosed with a chronic medical condition requiring personal and/or skilled nursing care daily to thrive
- be determined and receive physician’s order for applicable services
- be enrolled in Medicaid or have a pending Medicaid application.
How will GAPP services be provided to my child?
GAPP services are provided within an in-home setting or local medical day care program.
After physician’s orders are approved, your primary nurse case manager will create and assign the duties required to fulfill the care plan.
All professional assistance needed to maintain care and/or reach new medical goals will be coordinated and scheduled as a team with the family.

How to apply for GAPP as a new
participant or transfer services as an existing recipient?
If you believe your child or young adult meets the requirements for GAPP approval, give us a call or complete the contact messaging under the CLIENT CARE section of this website, and let us know you are a new applicant. We will respond and assist you with all the steps needed to access the services available. Completion time for approval is approximately 30 to 45 days after submitting all needed documentation.
If you would like to transfer your current GAPP services to PCA Elite Inc, please give us a call or complete the contact messaging under the CLIENT CARE section of this website, and let us know you are a current recipient. We will respond and assist you with all the steps, including communication with your current agency to facilitate a simple and easy transfer of services for you and your family.
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We have an array of knowledgeable professionals that are available to answer any questions that you may have about our care services and how we can best serve you.